暑い中、友人と五輪の競技を観戦するために東京へやってきた。In the heat day,We came to Tokyo to watch Tokyo2020 Game with your friend.
通常は、飲み物を購入して、それを飲み終わったら、ゴミ箱に捨ててしまいますが、 ペットボトルのキャップを交換機で、「がちゃがちゃ」に利用できるコインへ交換することができます。
がちゃがちゃを回すと、日本ならではの写真のような景品と交換できますYou can exchange for a free gift like the one which you can only see in Japan by turning the lever of the box.
This "Gacha Gacha" is managed by founding of beverage manufacturers and PET bottle recycling companies.The money collected by them will be used for electricity bills for running "Gacha Gacha", production and transportation costs and so on.
On the back of "Gacha Gacha", we will advertise supporting companies to promote the purchase of new drinks.And collected PET bottle caps will be donated to Unicef.